Alienators (2019) by Kristyna and Marek Milde is a captivating series of collages that transports viewers into a utopian-dystopian realm filled with fantastical satellites and spaceships. Created from photographs of modernist houses sourced from architecture books and mounted on oxidized aluminum, this project critically examines the alienating effects of modernist architecture on both personal and urban environments while exploring the monstrous qualities inherent in these designs.
These structures often dominate their surroundings, neglecting ecological sensitivity and the context of their sites, thereby disrupting the delicate web of social and interspecies relationships. Many modern buildings appear to have randomly landed in our cities, defying gravity and blurring the lines of orientation. The modernist era was marked by a cosmic optimism that, decades later, remains unrealized. In a satirical twist, the artists reimagine these modernist structures as spaceships, poised to sail freely into the cosmos, inviting us to reconsider the past and future of architecture.