Site specific installation, double sided tape, dust





Homemade is series of works that look at the domestic environment from perspective of things which are commonly eliminated, prevented and discarded. It uses and utilizes dust, decay and undesired destructive elements of nature within the dwellings to investigate the mechanisms of creating cultural environment.




Homemade, Marek Milde, 2009-2010, Dust, Glass Jars, Wooden Shelves, Table

Homemade is an installation created from dust collected in the house where the artist lives for the duration of one year. In each room the dust was swept every couple of days and kept separately in a jar.





Homemade, Marek Milde, 2009-2010, Dust,  Table

The installation represents floor-plan of each floor where the rooms are created from the dust collected at the particular location over the period of one year.





Under the…

Site specific installation, double sided tape, dust

 Under the…, Marek Milde, 2011, view from a site specific installation in artist’s home, dust, double – sided tape



Under the…, Marek Milde, 2011, detail from a site specific installation in artist’s home, dust, double – sided tape

Site specific installation created from double – sided tape  and dust accumulated over a period of time.  The  twelve layers of  tape are gradually added  to created waving like structure after they accumulate the dust from its surrounding.





The Real Deal

Marek Milde "The REAL deal" 2007 Soap created using soap, dirt, dust and other natural ingredients, making posible to get dirty and clean at once.

 The Real Deal, Marek Milde, 2007

Soap made from soap, dirt and dust, oxymoronic piece which makes possible to get dirty and clean at the same time.




The Same and Not the Same

Marek Milde “The Same and Not the Same” (face) 2009, coffee table, tablecloth, coffee, diameter 37 inches Marek Milde “The Same and Not the Same” 2009, coffee table, tablecloth, coffee, diameter 37 inches

The Same and Not the Same, Marek Milde, 2009,  coffee table, tablecloth, coffee, diameter 37″

“The Same and Not the Same”   consists of two white circular tablecloths stained with coffee. First piece, has a single circular stain of a coffee cup.  The second piece is completely covered with stains forming a regular pattern of circles.The piece reveals itself in two steps, each piece giving a different perception of the same.

While the single stain appears as mistake and violation of the order, in the other situation the very same element repeated again and again sustains foundation of the order it self. The repetition bows the perspective and the very same thing is perceived differently. The single stain encountered as dirty and disgusting by multiplying and forming patterns suddenly turns into something esthetically pleasing even decorative.

The Same and Not the Same follows the strategies of continual repetition being used in the politic and advertising to control political systems and sell commodities. Despite the fact that the promoted may not be true, unpopular political solutions become widely accepted and things, which are not needed, are sold successfully when their favourable effect is promoted over and over.





Bodies Buddies

Bodies Buddies, Marek Milde, 2008, digital photographs

Series of photographs made after visiting friends while walking barefoot in their apartments.